Growing Parsley
(Carum Petroselinum, Linn.)

Along with our guide for companion planting with herbs, Our Herb Garden has this parsley companion planting guide.
Parsley is perhaps one of the most used herbs and probably the one most gardeners want to try. After all, there’s nothing like a few fresh parsley leaves to perk up any dish. When used in conjunction with our guide to growing parsley, even the beginning backyard herb gardener should have success in growing parsleys.
Parsley Companion Planting
When growing chives, carrots, corn, chili and sweet peppers, onions, peas, roses and tomatoes plant parsley nearby. Asparagus is believed to be particularly benefited when companion planted with parsley.
Companion planting parsley with mint or lettuce is a bad idea.
Parsley & Roses.
Planting parsley at the base of your roses will increase their fragrance.
Parsley & Insects.
When allowed to go to seed, parsley will attract hoverflies to your garden. With some species of hoverflies, the larvae are known to eat aphids, thrips and other destructive insects.
Parsley is believed to repel harmful beetles.
Additional Parsley Information
(Carum Petroselinum, Linn.)
To learn more about growing parsley be sure to check out our parsley fact sheet.
Parsley has a long and interesting history which can be read on our parsley history page.
Don’t confuse parsley root with the herb parsley (Carum Petroselinum, Linn.). They are both in the carrot family, as are anise, fennel, cumin and caraway, but they are two distinctive plants.