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Our Herb Garden > Garden Notes

Garden Notes

Welcome to our garden!

It’s been a number of years since we started I’ve enjoyed sharing with you my research on the various herbs we consider adding to our own garden. I’ve debated on adding a more personal gardening blog to the site and as you can see, that’s what this section of the site is for. I’m no Martha Stewart and our garden is a bit too wild and wooly to ever be included in one of those fancy home and garden tours but I love plants and flowers and so does the rest of my family. We garden as much for ourselves as we do for the many wonderful woodland creatures that share our back yard with us.

This blog will be mere ramblings about our gardening, our resident wildlife and other bits and pieces thrown in for good measure. When I come across cool ideas or gardening gadgets, I’ll share those too.

Hopefully, you will find this section of as useful as the reference articles.

The garden gate drawing is from the free vintage images website

our crape myrtle, 2019 ice storm

Beauty of Winter

    Ice storms can create a nightmare for drivers and destroy landscaping. And, yet, a world completely encased in ice can be stunningly beautiful.

    Safe Bird Nesting Material

    Not all advice on safe bird nesting material is actually safe for birds. We’ve been doing it wrong for year and causing harm to our feathered friends.

    Salt to Taste

    I always thought salt was salt. After a visit to a new kitchen shop, I now know differently. Murray River Sea Salt offers something unique and tasty.

    Peruvian Daffodil

    We took a chance on what we thought were late-season bulbs on clearance only to be surprise with some of the prettiest white flowers we have ever seen.

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